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Welcome to My Food Diary.

An introduction to Eggy Bites.

This is my very first blog post, so be nice to me. Please.

Howdy 🤠 I see you have made it over to Eggy Bites. Congratulations! I've been wanting to start this blog for a while now and with the encouragement of some wonderful people in my life, it has finally begun.

My passion for cooking started in college. Embarrassing as this is to admit, it all started as a way to impress a guy (who is now my husband hehe) and turned into a new creative outlet. With my background in design, I knew this would be a fun project to work on while providing an online space to share my thoughts. Part of me is feeling pretty anxious about the launch of this brand but I will no longer hold myself back, so in the words of a blonde 2000s icon...

“Why not (why not) take a crazy chance? Why not (why not) do a crazy dance?" -Hilary Duff

Well, here we are, doing crazy dances and perhaps taking a crazy chance. Welcome my friends, to Eggy Bites.

My Gift to You 🎁

Since we're just getting started, I would like to kickstart this egg-venture with a little recipe that got me through some tough times. Feel free to tweak any ingredients and make it your own. Go crazy, go stupid, just as long as you're enjoying yourself. Behold, hummus.

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