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Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

5 Minutes


10 Servings

My Take

I would consider hummus to be the perfect dip tbh. Its creamy, tangy and super versatile. With a good base, you can add whatever flavors you want. Here's my rendition of this Middle Eastern beauty.


  • 2 cans garbanzo beans

  • 1 Tbsp tahini paste

  • 6 cloves garlic

  • 1 lemon

  • 4 Tbsp olive oil

  • salt/pepper

  • 3 ice cubes

  • paprika for garnish


Step 1

Start by getting a small pot of water boiling and open/drain those 2 cans of garbanzo beans (or chick peas). The idea is to get those beans nice and soft so we can achieve the best texture for our hummus. Traditionally, these beans are washed and peeled from the outer membrane, but I just choose to boil them out of convenience. After the water starts boiling, dump the drained beans into the pot and let them cook for about 5 minutes (or until soft and mushy).

Step 2

Next, you'll want to start peeling that garlic. I like to smash each clove before adding it to a food processor. This is to kick-start the allicin production, which is an enzyme that makes garlic sticky and flavorful. Then you can start dumping the ingredients into a food processor or blender, squeezing out the lemon juice and saving the ice cubes for later.

Step 3

Start blending and notice the texture of your hummus. Is it still grainy? Add an ice cube! This is a method used to get that nice and smooth texture without over-saturating your dip with water and dulling the flavor.

Step 4

Finally, taste it! Need more salt/pepper? This is the time to make it your own by adding what flavors you prefer. I like my hummus tangy, so I usually end up adding more tahini and lemon juice hehe. To plate it up, you want to take a big ole spoonful of your freshly made snack and spread it in a circular motion from center to side of a small plate. Add a dash of smoked paprika to the top, with a drizzle of your best olive oil and there you have it! 👏

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